Websites were created in cooperation with the Foundation of Holy Monastery Hilandar
Hilandar Χιλανδαριου Хиландар Chilandar Χιλιανδαριου Хилендар Chilendar

Ιερα Μονη Χιλιανδαριου Манастир Хиландар Μонастырь Хиландар Chilandar Monastery
Resulting in the flank of the former Byzantine Empire, the successor of the Eastern Roman Empire, Mount Athos is the last living remnant of this millennial civilization that the power of his imperial ideology, philosophical ideas, religious and cultural patterns influenced on the whole world at that time, especially on the Orthodox nations, which still takes the strength of that living source.
The greatest treasures of Mount Athos are monks who are carriers of monasticism, bearers of the word of God to the world.
One of the few Serbian builders monasteries of Mount Athos is Chilandar, Orthodox spiritual center, the medieval city, spiritual, cultural and national treasures of Serbs, Serbian mirror of the soul, pride, consolation and way to the Lord. It takes a lot of time, space, energy, will and knowledge to present Chilandar. What makes it great are the deeds and words which Chilandar donated us to the lap time and the eternal faith of Christ and the cross in which all and where everything is.
Hilandar`s heritage is out of time and space. Chilandar Monastery is the first Serbian university and one of the oldest in the world. In terms of literature, religion, the study of nature, medicine, according to all of the criteria was a real university, who is trained by the best experts in these areas at this time. The monastery keeps the largest collection of Serbian charters, relics, relics of saints, old icons. Hilandar has the largest collection of miraculous icons in the world, even eight of which are the most valuable and most respected in the cristian world: the icon of the Virgin with three hands (Bogorodica Trojeručica); the icon of Christ Pantocrator, which is the most beautiful icon of Christ on the planet and icons of Holy Virgin- Odigitria, which is considered the greatest masterpiece of Byzantine art of the thirteenth century. Here is the largest library of manuscripts of the Serbian people, the largest collection of coppercut and copperwrite plates, old textiles of worship, old church plates, woodcarving works, porcelain, gold objects, crosses and the most beautiful church on Mount Athos in the judgment of Byzantine. In Hilandar was founded Serbian literacy, translation and copying activities, there is conceived Serbian medieval state of law and diplomacy, and established one of the first Serbian hospital. A place where Moravian architecture reaches its peak, through which during the last eight centuries greatest artists of icon painting and frescoes. Chilandar to the fifteenth century possessed over 30 major land`s properties – Metochia`s in Europe and Asia with over 360 villages and vast spiritual, human and material resources which can measure the power of the state.
In a word, what is preserved in Hilandar is greater than the preserved heritage in all other Serbian monasteries.
The aim of this website is to inform the general public about the greatest treasure of the monastery Chilandar, yet only briefly, because the story was too big, but yet small for a Chilandar.

Time and space that Jesus Christ visited, and his footsteps and famous Hilandar`s monks, creating bonds of the Holy Land and the monastery of Hilandar.

Main menu (links):
Holy Mountain (Mount Athos):
Introduction, Geography and Nature, Mount Athos saints, Legal status, History, Karyes, Monasteries of Mount Athos, Sketes, Cells and habitats, Mount Athos Caves, Mount Athos desert, Treasures of Mount, Athos
Monkhood: About monasticism, Monasticism through the centuries, Holy -Mount Athos monasticism in the past, Holy -Mount Athos monasticism today, They said about monasticism
Serbian benefactors of the Mount Athos monasteries
Monastery Hilandar:
History of Hilandar
Constructions of Hilandar
Buildings of Hilandar
The fortifications inside the monastery: Chilandar finding (map), Catholicon-main church temple, Dining room, Prior residence, Basement, Dormitory from 1816/1821, Dormitory from 1814, Residence of the 14th century, Dormitory from 1640, kitchen, Tower St. George, South / Russian small dormitory, Paisie cell, Old bakery, Prosfornitsa, Tower of Saint Sava, Kamban tower, Cell of Saint Simeon, The well of Saint Sava, Entrance, Chapel of St. Archangel
Fortifications outside the monastery: Map of fortifications outside of Hilandar , Church of St. Basil-Hrusija, The graveyard church, Tipikarnitsa-Karyes, Tower of King Milutin, Tower of Transfiguration, Albanian tower, Border tower-Paleomonastirio, Church of Saint Tryphon, Agiazma, Mill, New Hospital, Cemetery, Residence in Karyesk, Chapel, Old hospital, Port Arsana Jovanica, Port Arsana of St. Basil, Wine cellar, Church-chapels,
Hilandars churches: Holy Trinity, Nativity of the Virgin, Annunciation, Shroud of the Holy Virgin, Holy Archangels, John the Baptist, the Precursor, Holy Apostles, Saint Sava, Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, Martyr, Saint Nikolai, 40 Martyrs, Saint Tryphon, The Saint John of Rila, Saint Vasilios Basil-Hrusija
Metochias-land properties
Hilandars cells-kellies
Icon Painting: About the icons, Virgin Mary Three Hands (Trojeručica), Virgin Hodegetria, Jesus Pantocrator, Miraculous Chilandars icons, Greatest Chilandar icons
Treasury of Hilandar
Archive of Hilandar
Library of Hilandar
Literature and Hilandar
Medicine in Hilandar
Documents in Hilandar: The Charter of Byzantian Emperor Alexius II, The founding charter of Stefan Nemanja, Hilandars typic Saint Sava, Karyes typicon, Hilandars charter of King Stefan the First Crowned, The Charter of tsar Dusan, The Charter of King Milutin in 1300 year, The Charter of King Milutin in 1318 year., The Charter of King Milutin, The Charter of Prince Lazar from the 1379/80 year., Domentijan Hilandarac, The Charter of Emperor Andronicus II, The Charter of Emperor Michael VIII
Hilandars saints
Vine Saint Simeon
Cultural crossroads of Hilandar
Research Hilandar
Ohio- Hilandars search room
Foundation of Hilandar
Links connections